The Short Review from My Books...

The Diamond 1

This was a first books I working which concluding with entertainment world.
This was a story about one young scholar-boy which couldn't find his true self. It was mixed with a hard full thinks and full of troublesome problems. He could survive in those world without depend on his parent influenced.
In other side, he have 2 companion, which supported him with all their strenght.
The things is more amusing when the new rival appeared, and the appearance of unknown person which will change his world.

My Other Self 1

It was a first novel I working in which showed the appearance of a boy which have Multiple-Personalia Disorder.
Their Journey began when the boy being asked to do some contract with his sister boy-friend, which run an modeling agency.
At first it was become something which can be help-full in his life, but in other side that was a problematic too.
In the end which way he's going to take?

The Strongest Mystic 1

It also the first novel which contained magic world.
It's really a books which really hard to make.
The story have 6 main character from a different back-ground.
They'll met in a hard to understand situation which later lead them to the one long journey.
The journey is of course not as simple as its say, it was concluding a lot of problem an traumatic story from each one of them.
But in the end the future they choose will become the key for them to the next step of the journey...

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